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Amityville Backpack

★☆☆☆ – (2024) – A complete schmuck buys a backpack that drills to death anyone who wears it. Only features a few actors who repeat the same mannerisms throughout, and has abominable gore straight out of a Walmart Halloween aisle. Repeats the same plot points over and over again, yet never puts forth a reason to exist. Silly at times, but not silly enough.



★★½☆ – (2024) – An aspiring actress lands her first non-porno role while those closest to her are picked off by a serial killer. A slow and steady mystery that consistently involves despite featuring a beyond-selfish protagonist who does nothing but protect herself, which is seemingly the Hollywood way. Loses some steam once the killer is revealed, yet does have an ultra-violent climax. The lesser entry in the series, though it still manages to grip. (Kevin Bacon steals the show.)


In a Violent Nature

★★½☆ – (2024) – A maniac stalks a wooden terrain and kills anyone he comes across. Though relatively plot-free, this is an extremely unique slasher that focuses not on partying teens, but on the killer himself. The pace is slow, there’s little dialog, and a musical score doesn’t exist, but none of those things are a problem since they add a sense of realism many of these films lack. Hits the skids during an unimpressive final act, but getting there is often satisfying.


Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey II

★★☆☆ – (2024) – Animals once abandoned by a human continue their destructive ways. There’s really not plot to speak of, as the only story relates to the occurrences of the first film, but I doubt anyone will show up for the narrative. Those coming for the violence certainly won’t be let down, as the murders deliver some truly heavy punches. Thin but brutal.


Cinderella’s Revenge

★★☆☆ – (2024) – A girl who’s tormented by her family exacts revenge on them after they try to claim a prince from her. On one hand it’s nice to see a fairy tale take a turn toward violence, but there isn’t a whole lot of carnage and not much fun is had with the premise, aside from a godmother from the future. Not great, but it’s short and has a mean streak.


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