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Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

★★☆☆ – (2024) – A mother and daughter who can see ghosts summon an infamous bio-exorcist to help them out of their newfound troubles. Looks great and has a highly imaginative spirit while tackling a plot that doesn’t duplicate the original. Becomes a bit too convoluted toward the end, and nothing is profoundly funny, but it’s always easy to watch and just as easy to digest.


The Last Thanksgiving

★½☆☆ – (2020) – A group of cannibals terrorize those who don’t appreciate Thanksgiving. Pretty rotten right out of the gate, as this immediately focuses on characters you wouldn’t want to spend any time with, let alone a holiday. Kills are few and the atmosphere is too airy, rendering this a lame drama with corny horror inclusions.


Moon of the Wolf

★★☆☆ – (1972) – Someone or something killed a pregnant woman in a small town, and locals are eager to find the culprit. Though there’s barely any horror, and the wolf is rather paltry when it does arrive, the character camaraderie, however typical, is easy to enjoy. Doesn’t run long, so this never bores, but the drama does begin to stale by the end.


Alice in Terrorland

★☆☆☆ – (2023) – A young woman is told stories from Alice in Wonderland that she repeatedly dreams about. There isn’t a single moment in this that warrants its own existence. It’s basically two similar scenes shown in a repetitive loop that never form a single plot point. It’s graciously short, but still feels endless thanks to an impossibly languid pace.


Terrifier 3

★★☆☆ – (2024) – Art the Clown is out and about killing people at Christmastime. That’s pretty much it. There’s something of a story involving the previous film’s survivor living with an overly cutesy family, but they only serve to bore us until the kills arrive. Granted, the gore F/X are nifty, but by now have become repetitive, even though they account for maybe 20% of the elongated length. Brutal at times, but tries patience.


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